Wednesday, October 08, 2008

freaky dreams

for some reason.
im getting more and more prone to nightmares.

last night i slept at 2 am.

within the 4 hours to morning wakefulness,

i had like consecutive nightmares.

the first was me driving a lambo.
going thru a corner at 170km/h, and nearly flipping over.
whilst tad was just thrills, the next was a lot freakier.
the next corner was taken at 250km/h and my car did flip over.
and for some reason, i was driving with my family and my baby in the lambo.
now my mind realised tad lambos are 2 seaters in any case, but my lambo had room for 6 pple./shrugs.
den it flipped over like those kinda movie scenes where it zooms out and flip flip flip flip flip flip den booooooooom!

den i was with josh and the rest and palying bball, and then they suddenly could jump dam high and could do slam dunks. so everyone was dunking, when the hoop's rim became a slicer and started slicing them to ribbons.

den next i was having dinner with fysh and alv and they were eating shitload of muffins,
den i realised the muffins had like this glazed coating on them and i was like "shit is that melamine" and they were like "yea man. ftw" and continued chomping.

den i woke up thak God to my baby's msg and tad one ended prematurely.

den i next dreamt about something alot darker which i shall not post.
suffice to say it was a tornado of paper.

stupid subconscious mind was determined to annihilate all the pple i hold dear to me in like 1 night i swear.

weird ass hell dreams.

thank God for morning alarms.

but then again its dreams like this,

tad leave you awake,

and when you wake,

you thank God.

Thank God for keeping each and everyone tad you hold dear to yourself,

still here with you this very day.

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