Monday, November 19, 2007

lil joys in life.

there are times where i feel really dam low.
and i think "wtf is this for sial.!@$!@#!@$#!@$!@#!@#"
hope dies,
i get dam pissed.
optimism fades and pessimism roars in victory.
i bottle up.
i recluse.

and then.
you come to mind.
and like the 1st beam o light over dark skies.
suddenly it doesnt seem so bad.

and i know regardless.
despite it all,
there's still sumthin tad makes it all worthwhile.

time will teach us its lessons,
and in time we'll learn how to.

at least.
its the way i choose to believe.

and thats pessimism speakin.

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